Law firm CHR. Christian Herbert Lawyers
EASTSITE ONESeckenheimer Landstraße 4
68163 Mannheim
Phone: 49 (0) 621/43 27 68 0
Fax: 49 (0) 621/43 27 68 77
Tax ID:
DE 278182367
Supervisory Authority:
The lawyers Christian Herbert and Stephanie Lorenz are members of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Karlsruhe, which is also the responsible supervisory authority. The legal job title is "lawyer". This job title has been awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany. The professional regulations are essentially the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO), the Professional Code (BORA), the Specialist Lawyers Act (FAO), the Lawyers Compensation Act (RVG) and the Professional Code of Lawyers of the European Union (CCBE). They can be found on the homepage of the Federal Bar Association (BRAK).